
Fri - Sun 23 - 25 Sep 2022


All Day



Members weekend

It’s the time of the year where the sun starts shining and we start looking forward to the best weekend of the year; the members weekend!! Like you could have read in the announcement the weekend will be from the 24th to the 26th of september. We are gonna keep the theme and the location secret for a little while but one thing is for sure: it’s gonna be an awesome weekend!

What are you waiting for? Subscribe now! He Ho HA STU letsssss go!! 

Currently, the costs for the weekend are estimated to be €65.

Deadline: at last September 4th.


The members weekend committee. 

Elke, Lynn, Ilse, Marlou, Yvon en Laura O. 

Sold out!

We would like to thank our sponsors: