This month we have some very nice news! To get straight to the point: our H1 will play first division handball next season. There they can show on a higher stage how good they are. This is fantastic news not only for the men, but for the entire club. It will be nice to watch all the matches from the stands together and to show some encouragement. Y'all ready for this? For the newbies: you better start practicing the Ha-Stu song already.
The PR committee has not been lazy this month. Enough impression shots have been made to show how much fun Ha-Stu is. Everyone did their best in front of the camera during the training sessions. In addition, the committee, together with our sponsor de Fuik, recorded our own ‘Ha-Stu shot’. Everyone is challenged to remake and shot it! This is also to practice, because de Fuik will hopefully be occupied with Hastuids again soon. Luckily we have already seen each other physically (besides the training sessions), because the Ha-stu Hunt has happened! Together we went via hints to locations to play the best games. A tour through Nijmegen and of course the favourite game Flunky Bal: guaranteed a great success.
Finally, this must of course not be forgotten: Ha-Stu is looking for a new board for next season. The 2021/2022 board is of course difficult to surpass, but this creates an extra challenge. You are the perfect candidate for this! The month of June is full of fun things again: indoor training sessions and of course the Ha-Stu tournament. In addition, there is good hope for a new physical activity or even a drink in the Fuik or at de Kluizenaar!